Thursday, November 8, 2007

Media Fargo: Today's headlines Nov 8 2007

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.

Kerik indicted, sources say

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Witness: OJ and others invaded hotel room

Information is temporarily unavailable.

FBI warns of uncorroborated threat to malls

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition

Bhutto to press ahead with rally

Information is temporarily unavailable.

North Sea surge brings flood risk

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Chavez meets Colombia rebels Top MSNBC Headlines

Ex-NYPD chief Kerik indicted

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Senate moves to confirm Mukasey

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Senate overrides Bush veto News - Top Stories

Father defends Bush on Iraq war

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Finnish gunman leaves mark online

Information is temporarily unavailable.

'Love at first flight' for record holder, 98

Oil Washes Up on Beaches After Ship Hit California Bridge

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Massive Wall of Water Expected to Slam England

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Kerik Indictment Charges to be Announced Friday

NPR Topics: News

Indian Filmmaker Promotes HIV/AIDS Awareness

Information is temporarily unavailable.

When Real Lives Get Swept Into Campaign Rhetoric

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Georgia, Russia Square Off in a State of Emergency

For those who read this column from the Fargo Moorhead area, check out the Moorhead High High School Musical. It is a good show for all ages.

Ok on to the headlines. I have been wondering how much of the Dennis Kucinich VP Prez Chaney impeachment news would be around today, and I am all anticipation. Is it important news or are we going to look at it as a political move for someone who knows he has no shot at the presidency. By the way, I am kinda liking Kucinich more and more everyday. But then again I watch Cobert, and he rips on him all the time, which makes me more fond of the elfen tree creature.

Oh wow, OJ news again. CNN has some other news, but kinda looks like Fox News today with their headline choices. Fear, humiliation and celebrity tabloid news. I encourage everyone to subscribe to their RSS news feed and set it to three headlines. I guarantee you, those three attributes above will be the majority of their headlines. The other ones will be a GOP push of some sort. You can not outfox FOX. They will peak your curiosity almost everytime. They kinda make you feel like you are missing out on something big if you don't check it out.

Anyway, the British Broadcast Channel is reporting on things I have little interest in here in the US. Wait a second. Chavez. Rebels. The war drums continue. I wonder if RSS Subscribers in Europe are getting the same Chavez headline as the US?

Thank you MSNBC for letting me know who this Kerik person was. I gave an intial glance to see if there was a dominating story and saw his name several times. No idea who he is. But now, at least I know he is a crooked cop. I saw indicted, Ex and sources say - he is a crooked cop.

The USAToday wins the comical headline of the day. Now this comical headline is more of the Jon Stewert humor of the system supplies the humor, we just point it out. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. The headline refers to Bush Sr. defending Jr. The only thing that could have made that more funny is using the word "daddy" instead of 'father'. So add a war to the list of daddy bailouts - right next to the oil company, the baseball team and Enron.

Ah now time to indulge - the FOXNews headlines. Oil washes up....wait that's a real news headlines. Real news even. I almost don't want to read the next headline. Ah back to Fox realty. Words like 'massive' and 'slam' are excellent choices of words for something that is speculation. See how I changed the word expected for speculation. They kinda both mean the same, but not really.

I just read the NPR headlines right now. New rule, NPR has to come before FOXNews. Their thought-provoking journalism is really not be had after Fox's style of reporting. It was l\kinda like being offered a great steak with whipped garlic potatoes and real creamed corn after indulging at Dairy Queen with a possible stop at TCBY.

Remember the news is only as good as they make it.

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