Sunday, November 4, 2007

Media Fargo: Headline Views and Comments

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.
Public sees shriveled face of 'Golden Boy of Egypt'
Pakistan: Emergency to last indefinitely
Somali pirates release hostages
Emergency may delay Pakistan poll
Chad releases seven in child case
King Tut's face unveiled to world
Iranians Celebrate Takeover of US Embassy
Pakistan Detains Opposition Activists in Emergency Rule
Runaway Caught in Mexico Not Be Allowed Back in US
Russia Loses Two Men of the Cold War Era
Musharraf Tightens Grip on Power in Pakistan
Memorial to Women's War Effort Marks 10 Years
Pakistan PM says up to 500 detained
Noel spares New England coast
Emergency operation saves space station
Somali pirates leave hijacked ships
Ex-army sharpshooter kills 1 in shooting spree near Rome
Chad releases 7 Europeans from detention

The events taking place in Pakistan must have the news outlets in a frenzy of what to have as a headline. Look at the diversity of the Pakistan headlines. MSNBC say 500 are detained. They didn't even print the man's name - he is kinda well known. He has had a book, been on major talk show circuits in America, and MSNBC is under the impression their potential audience will know the name of a Hurricane than the PM of Pakistan.

Fox took a totally different approach, they decided to name MSNBC's detainee as Opposition Activists and throw in the words Emergency Rule. Both in caps so you know it is important. Fox also added a little more spice on this Sunday morning with headlines of immigration/law enforcement and their ongoing focus on our foreign policy - more specifically in the Middle East. I will say the headline about the Iranians taking over the US Embassy has caught my attention, and I will have to check it out. I would think if it is anything like I am imagining it in my head it would be on all the major networks. I am imagining a group of Muslims tearing down a statue of George W Bush. Something tells me that isn't what happened.

The is going to fuel the conspiracy theorists out there with their headlines about Pakistan. The very mention of an election suspension will indeed start the NWO-seekers (the NWO is now being referred to as Globalists) on their blogs, call in radio shows and U-Tube videos talking about HR 1955 which Bush signed last May. The bill says that if the US undergoes any terrorist attack, natural disaster or economic distaster - commerce and other private entities will be under the direct supervision of the Federal Government and the United Nations. They also will say how Pakistan is a test country just like Enron was a test company for pension and 401K bankruptcy.

A couple good pirate mentions on a Sunday and a nice shout out to the Women of War from

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