Saturday, November 3, 2007

Media Fargo: Headline Thoughts & Views

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point.
TV writers vote to strike
Nuclear plant worker stopped with 'pipe bomb'
Two Dems revive AG nominee's chances

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
Flooding traps 300,000 in Mexico
US says PKK 'common enemy'
Mass protest in Georgian capital
Mexico Floods Hit 900,000 Homes; Disease Feared
Schumer, Feinstein to Vote in Favor of Mukasey
Arizona Nuclear Power Plant on Lockdown After Security Alert

NPR Topics: News
US Product-Safety Chief Faces Calls for Resignation
Americans Run for a Spot in the Olympic Marathon
Marshals Offer Break for Fugitives Who Quit Running

Dems split over supporting Mukasey
Clinton comes home to Wellesley
Police seize camera in sex-tape case

Our friends at CNN seem to have their Hollywood Biz headline, however, writer's striking will effect alot of people's lives. Most Americans watch TV something like 6 hours a day. But if it wasn't for their interpretation of the Arizona Nuclear Plant Pipe Bomber, Fox News headline scanners would have thought something different on the same story. Love those fear-generating Republicans.

CNN was also able to insert their blue donkey colors and give a positive plug to some Dems having their chance for a nomination - because sometimes a potential revival of a chance at a new position or milestone is very important news. I am sure there isn't too much else happening in the news. But let's see.

Floods have really ransacked Mexico, really ransacked. You are off the hook CNN, Mexico is another country, and those revival nominations are in the US. Or maybe you are just waiting to get the final numbers on the day. The BBC is reporting 300,000 trapped in Mexico and Fox News is reporting 900,000 homes hit in the flood. Fox also was able to insert in a little dash of republican fear at the end too - disease feared.

The Nuclear Pipe Bomb story did have a different view at Fox than at CNN, which is interesting. CNN's headline kinda gives enough information to have a good grasp on the situation, whereas Mr. Burns the headline copy writer says the words Nuclear, Lockdown, security and Alert in the same headline. I am standing up at my desk and clapping for you Mr. Burns at Fox news.'s three headlines reinforce my little stereotype about the news station's agenda. See how they plug a couple of Dems in the headlines. At least MSNBC doesn't assume your know who all the Democrats are by name, they just say Dems. Fox News assumes you know who the politicians are who voted in favor of Mukasey. Heck the Dems are split, so one must assume they are referring to republicans. MSNBC also nicely plug Clinton too. Wasn't there a Nuclear Security Lockdown somewhere in Arizona that might be a little more newsworthy than where Hillary Clinton is going? But the Sex Tape headline and the use of the word "seize" - now that's a good republican at heart.

What can be said about NPR? Product safety recall? That's like four articles in one. I can't think about safety, whether my politician is a crook, which products are they talking about and why this US Product Safety Chief is getting rode out of town on a rail all in the same reading I just want to know where this Safety Guy is going or if he is reviving a chance at a nomination. I also enjoy how they didn't print his name. Very classy move by NPR. See how smart they are - they make you read the article before you can gossip about this Product Safety guy.

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