Sunday, November 11, 2007

Media Fargo: Today's headlines Nov 10 2007

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.

Stepdad, friend charged in girl's death

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bhutto rejoins protests; 3 Brit reporters ousted

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Author Norman Mailer dies

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition

US and Germany vow Iran diplomacy

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bhutto resumes protest campaign

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Shut up, Spain king tells Chavez

Pakistan to End Emergency Rule; Bhutto Joins Protest

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Clinton Campaign Accused of 2nd Question Plant

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Woman Suffered Slow Death, Chilling Text Predicts It News - Top Stories

Vietnam Memorial still gets offerings 25 years later

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Pakistan lets Bhutto leave home

Information is temporarily unavailable.

'Radical Islam' should jolt voters, evangelicals say

NPR Topics: News


Broadway Stagehands Go on Strike

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Ex-US Attorneys Continue to Scrutinize Gonzales

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Norman Mailer, Author and Social Critic, Dies at 84 Top MSNBC Headlines

Author Norman Mailer dead at 84

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bay Area spill sparks political fallout

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Congress working on tobacco tax hike

Good to see more than NPR give some coverage to the death of Norman Mailer. He was not only an author, noble prize winner, but also pop culture icon for his field. Moment of silence.

Blutto, however, is the main story....for the third day in a row. The media really wants to make sure part of our attention is in the Middle East. Almost every major network and a major newspaper have a Blutto headline in their top three. That's prominent placement for several days. Good thing there isn't really anything happening here in the US.

Fox News is still in the Halloween spirit with their "chilling" headline. Of coarse every day is like Halloween at Fox, they like to use fear words.

NPR caught my attention with the Gonzalez headline. I always wondered why Jon Stewert was the only person covering the Alberto Gonzalez story. That's a big story - the man set our laws and is in question and no one is really covering it? I heard OJ and Brittney are crossing the street, grab a camera.

The final headline is from MSNBC is interesting. Congress is working on a tabacco hike. Now I am not a smoker, but hasn't this discrimination gone on long enough. The federal courts threw out that EPA study everyone hold above their heads when they discuss the second hand smoke effects, but even if they didn't throw out that report, quit picking on the smokers. They are purchasing a legal drug. The drug isn't as bad as the chemicals put into the legal drug. Go after the corporations, not the individual. Government is supposed to protect the people, not bully or discriminate against them. Smokers, you have a gross unhealthy habit, but as long as you live in America, it is fine by me.

Jeffery Davis has been a marketing and media consultant for small to medium sized businesses for 24 years. Currently David writes a monthly column for The Business Journal Serving the Greater Fargo Moorhead Area. Davis will be posting daily headline comments during our coffee breaks at the BizJournal. For more headline news or to read columns by Davis, visit

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