Sunday, November 11, 2007

Media Fargo: Today's headlines Nov 10 2007

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.

Stepdad, friend charged in girl's death

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bhutto rejoins protests; 3 Brit reporters ousted

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Author Norman Mailer dies

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition

US and Germany vow Iran diplomacy

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bhutto resumes protest campaign

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Shut up, Spain king tells Chavez

Pakistan to End Emergency Rule; Bhutto Joins Protest

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Clinton Campaign Accused of 2nd Question Plant

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Woman Suffered Slow Death, Chilling Text Predicts It News - Top Stories

Vietnam Memorial still gets offerings 25 years later

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Pakistan lets Bhutto leave home

Information is temporarily unavailable.

'Radical Islam' should jolt voters, evangelicals say

NPR Topics: News


Broadway Stagehands Go on Strike

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Ex-US Attorneys Continue to Scrutinize Gonzales

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Norman Mailer, Author and Social Critic, Dies at 84 Top MSNBC Headlines

Author Norman Mailer dead at 84

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Bay Area spill sparks political fallout

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Congress working on tobacco tax hike

Good to see more than NPR give some coverage to the death of Norman Mailer. He was not only an author, noble prize winner, but also pop culture icon for his field. Moment of silence.

Blutto, however, is the main story....for the third day in a row. The media really wants to make sure part of our attention is in the Middle East. Almost every major network and a major newspaper have a Blutto headline in their top three. That's prominent placement for several days. Good thing there isn't really anything happening here in the US.

Fox News is still in the Halloween spirit with their "chilling" headline. Of coarse every day is like Halloween at Fox, they like to use fear words.

NPR caught my attention with the Gonzalez headline. I always wondered why Jon Stewert was the only person covering the Alberto Gonzalez story. That's a big story - the man set our laws and is in question and no one is really covering it? I heard OJ and Brittney are crossing the street, grab a camera.

The final headline is from MSNBC is interesting. Congress is working on a tabacco hike. Now I am not a smoker, but hasn't this discrimination gone on long enough. The federal courts threw out that EPA study everyone hold above their heads when they discuss the second hand smoke effects, but even if they didn't throw out that report, quit picking on the smokers. They are purchasing a legal drug. The drug isn't as bad as the chemicals put into the legal drug. Go after the corporations, not the individual. Government is supposed to protect the people, not bully or discriminate against them. Smokers, you have a gross unhealthy habit, but as long as you live in America, it is fine by me.

Jeffery Davis has been a marketing and media consultant for small to medium sized businesses for 24 years. Currently David writes a monthly column for The Business Journal Serving the Greater Fargo Moorhead Area. Davis will be posting daily headline comments during our coffee breaks at the BizJournal. For more headline news or to read columns by Davis, visit

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Media Fargo: Today's headlines Nov 8 2007

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.

Kerik indicted, sources say

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Witness: OJ and others invaded hotel room

Information is temporarily unavailable.

FBI warns of uncorroborated threat to malls

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition

Bhutto to press ahead with rally

Information is temporarily unavailable.

North Sea surge brings flood risk

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Chavez meets Colombia rebels Top MSNBC Headlines

Ex-NYPD chief Kerik indicted

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Senate moves to confirm Mukasey

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Senate overrides Bush veto News - Top Stories

Father defends Bush on Iraq war

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Finnish gunman leaves mark online

Information is temporarily unavailable.

'Love at first flight' for record holder, 98

Oil Washes Up on Beaches After Ship Hit California Bridge

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Massive Wall of Water Expected to Slam England

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Kerik Indictment Charges to be Announced Friday

NPR Topics: News

Indian Filmmaker Promotes HIV/AIDS Awareness

Information is temporarily unavailable.

When Real Lives Get Swept Into Campaign Rhetoric

Information is temporarily unavailable.

Georgia, Russia Square Off in a State of Emergency

For those who read this column from the Fargo Moorhead area, check out the Moorhead High High School Musical. It is a good show for all ages.

Ok on to the headlines. I have been wondering how much of the Dennis Kucinich VP Prez Chaney impeachment news would be around today, and I am all anticipation. Is it important news or are we going to look at it as a political move for someone who knows he has no shot at the presidency. By the way, I am kinda liking Kucinich more and more everyday. But then again I watch Cobert, and he rips on him all the time, which makes me more fond of the elfen tree creature.

Oh wow, OJ news again. CNN has some other news, but kinda looks like Fox News today with their headline choices. Fear, humiliation and celebrity tabloid news. I encourage everyone to subscribe to their RSS news feed and set it to three headlines. I guarantee you, those three attributes above will be the majority of their headlines. The other ones will be a GOP push of some sort. You can not outfox FOX. They will peak your curiosity almost everytime. They kinda make you feel like you are missing out on something big if you don't check it out.

Anyway, the British Broadcast Channel is reporting on things I have little interest in here in the US. Wait a second. Chavez. Rebels. The war drums continue. I wonder if RSS Subscribers in Europe are getting the same Chavez headline as the US?

Thank you MSNBC for letting me know who this Kerik person was. I gave an intial glance to see if there was a dominating story and saw his name several times. No idea who he is. But now, at least I know he is a crooked cop. I saw indicted, Ex and sources say - he is a crooked cop.

The USAToday wins the comical headline of the day. Now this comical headline is more of the Jon Stewert humor of the system supplies the humor, we just point it out. Kinda like shooting fish in a barrel. The headline refers to Bush Sr. defending Jr. The only thing that could have made that more funny is using the word "daddy" instead of 'father'. So add a war to the list of daddy bailouts - right next to the oil company, the baseball team and Enron.

Ah now time to indulge - the FOXNews headlines. Oil washes up....wait that's a real news headlines. Real news even. I almost don't want to read the next headline. Ah back to Fox realty. Words like 'massive' and 'slam' are excellent choices of words for something that is speculation. See how I changed the word expected for speculation. They kinda both mean the same, but not really.

I just read the NPR headlines right now. New rule, NPR has to come before FOXNews. Their thought-provoking journalism is really not be had after Fox's style of reporting. It was l\kinda like being offered a great steak with whipped garlic potatoes and real creamed corn after indulging at Dairy Queen with a possible stop at TCBY.

Remember the news is only as good as they make it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Media Fargo: Today's headlines.....and yesterday's too.

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.
Lawmakers among Afghan bomb victims
'07 deadliest year for US troops in Iraq
Pakistan lawyers called to action

BBC News
'40 dead' in Afghan suicide blast
Turkey moves to change speech law
US rebukes Yahoo over China case Top MSNBC Headlines
Record 1-day haul for GOP's Paul
Afghan lawmakers killed in blast
Panel OKs Mukasey's nomination
Pakistani Judge Urges Lawyers to Resist Emergency Rule
Senate Committee Approves Mukasey as Attorney General
Kerry: I'm Now Prepared to Fight Off Swift Boat Veteran News - Top Stories
2007 is deadliest year for US in Iraq
Senate panel advances Mukasey
Pakistan mulls election delay amid unrest

NPR Topics: News
Landslide Engulfs Village in Southern Mexico
Mideast Peace Summit Likely in November
Time Warner CEO Parsons Steps Aside for Bewkes

Let's see what's in today's news. Have a little caatching up to do since I was busy yesterday, however I have those headlines so let's start up.

Looks like 2008 Iraq War is the worst yet. CNN and USAToday is reporting that while NPR is reporting Peace Summits. Deadliest year ever and peace summits. let's see what FoxNews is reporting. John Kerry? How is that guys still in the news? i know he a cousin of GW Bush and was a fraternity brother of Bush, but the swift boat story? Those guys are really funny over there at Fox.

MSNBC is the only one reporting the only real presidential canidate story. Ron Paul raises a record number. In a day and age where the one with the most money wins, Ron Paul might become a thorn in the GOP's side. I hate typing that, but there are two Republican now - The Globalists and the Localists. The localists are the traditional republicans. They are the ones getting behind Ron Paul. Or should I say Dr. Ron Paul. He is a physician who does not charge uninsured patients.

Pakistan is apparently in meetings with the lawyers and the US rebuked Rupert Murdoch over China. Not sure if that is good or bad. I will have to check out that article to find out. I try to pay pretty close attention to the communication headlines. What we talk about and what we learn as a mass society comes from our TV, newspapers, radio stations and Internet. Senator Dorgan agrees with me on this view, so does the strangest list of groups you'll ever see supporting a cause. The NRA, the Christian Right Coalition, The Women's League of Voters, the Teamsters and the list goes on and on. I encourage people to research this topic now, before you loose the right now surf the net. Call Dorgan's people, they will be very helpful directing you towards some literature.

Today's Headlines, well the day I am posting headlines
Drug-tainted toys put kids in comas
Sheriff: Suspected deputy killer confesses
Grieving mom's plea draws Blackwater offer

BBC News
Georgia under state of emergency
Bush and Sarkozy declare Iran aim
UN official expelled from Darfur Top MSNBC Headlines
NBC/WSJ poll: Clinton holds 20-point lead over Dems
Bush to Musharraf: Hold elections
Shuttle lands after tough mission News - Top Stories
Price of illegal drugs continues to increase
Tallest US man is 7-foot-8 Va. deputy
4M Chinese-made toys recalled because of toxic chemical
Iraqi Woman Given Gift of Mobility Thanks to US Soldiers
Bush: Musharraf Must Hold Elections, Give Up Military Post
Obama Sees Opening to Overtake Clinton in Iowa

NPR Topics: News
New York City Gets Tough with Homeless Families
Homeless Families a Growing Problem in America
Missouri Sex Abuse Charges Dropped

I really like the MSNBC headlines today telling us Hillary is leading the polls followed by Bush telling Pakistan to hold elections. Hillary.....Elections.....then the space shuttle. Interesting prominent headline placement. Let's see what the others are reporting. CNN is talking about the tainted toys, so is USAToday and that it. Kinda surprised Fox didn't jump on this legit fear story. The toy they are talking about is supposed to be a hot item at Christmas this year. Aquabuttons. Keep your eyes open and your mouths closed.

Blackwater, killer suspects, US becoming more hated across the world and Fox News promoting women's rights in Iraq via US soldiers. Bravo Bravo. Wait, they are reporting something on the upcoming election too. Hillary is....not 20 points ahead over in FoxLand, in fact Hillary is going to become overtaken in Iowa. And if you loose Iowa or NH, you are out according to all the experts.

NPR - 2 stories on the homeless. One to let you know NY is getting tough with the housing-challenged and the other to let you know NY will be contributing to the growing problem of homeless people. See you tomorrow.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.
F-15s grounded after plane breaks up in flight
US caught with few options in Pakistan crisis
Exploding comet is visible to naked eye

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
US warns Pakistan over emergency
Mudslide adds to Mexico flood woe
Google pushes into mobile phones
Touch Found to Be Key in Making Robots Human-Friendly
Rice Calls Musharraf to Protest State of Emergency Decision
Giuliani Defends Kerik's Record Amid Investigation Top MSNBC Headlines
Pakistan cracks down on protests
Writers' strike triggers reruns
Turkey PM ‘happy’ with Bush talks News - Top Stories
Bush calls on Musharraf to end state of emergency and call elections
Bush, Turkish PM discuss Kurdish rebels
Mexican flood victims fight for food

NPR Topics: News
Senate Panel Likely to Approve Mukasey Tuesday
Doctor's Role in Deaths at Ill. VA Hospital Probed
Oprah Pledges to Fix School amid Abuse Reports

Pakistan is still big news with the 24 hour news networks. CNN portraits us as Michael Bluth and Pakistan is Buster and Job - looks like we have to take care of our little blacksheep brother. Of course the conspirators have come out in full force with the claim that Pakistan is a "dry run" for what they want to do with the US.

MSNBC fingers the protesters while Fox gives the push to Rice. The BBC gives probably the most accurate headline with the US warning over the emergency. NPR has other news to report for now.

Fox is a good little GOP talking point. Eugenics and Giuliani. Many people forget that George Sr. was in charge of Eugenics during the Reagan years.

If you just scan the headlines you will see that George Bush Jr had some talks with Turkey about the rebels. But if you read MSNBC you are comforted to know that the PM was happy with the talks.

That's it for today, stop back tomorrow for more headlines.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Media Fargo: Headline Views and Comments

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point. I added a newspaper to the mix just for fun.
Public sees shriveled face of 'Golden Boy of Egypt'
Pakistan: Emergency to last indefinitely
Somali pirates release hostages
Emergency may delay Pakistan poll
Chad releases seven in child case
King Tut's face unveiled to world
Iranians Celebrate Takeover of US Embassy
Pakistan Detains Opposition Activists in Emergency Rule
Runaway Caught in Mexico Not Be Allowed Back in US
Russia Loses Two Men of the Cold War Era
Musharraf Tightens Grip on Power in Pakistan
Memorial to Women's War Effort Marks 10 Years
Pakistan PM says up to 500 detained
Noel spares New England coast
Emergency operation saves space station
Somali pirates leave hijacked ships
Ex-army sharpshooter kills 1 in shooting spree near Rome
Chad releases 7 Europeans from detention

The events taking place in Pakistan must have the news outlets in a frenzy of what to have as a headline. Look at the diversity of the Pakistan headlines. MSNBC say 500 are detained. They didn't even print the man's name - he is kinda well known. He has had a book, been on major talk show circuits in America, and MSNBC is under the impression their potential audience will know the name of a Hurricane than the PM of Pakistan.

Fox took a totally different approach, they decided to name MSNBC's detainee as Opposition Activists and throw in the words Emergency Rule. Both in caps so you know it is important. Fox also added a little more spice on this Sunday morning with headlines of immigration/law enforcement and their ongoing focus on our foreign policy - more specifically in the Middle East. I will say the headline about the Iranians taking over the US Embassy has caught my attention, and I will have to check it out. I would think if it is anything like I am imagining it in my head it would be on all the major networks. I am imagining a group of Muslims tearing down a statue of George W Bush. Something tells me that isn't what happened.

The is going to fuel the conspiracy theorists out there with their headlines about Pakistan. The very mention of an election suspension will indeed start the NWO-seekers (the NWO is now being referred to as Globalists) on their blogs, call in radio shows and U-Tube videos talking about HR 1955 which Bush signed last May. The bill says that if the US undergoes any terrorist attack, natural disaster or economic distaster - commerce and other private entities will be under the direct supervision of the Federal Government and the United Nations. They also will say how Pakistan is a test country just like Enron was a test company for pension and 401K bankruptcy.

A couple good pirate mentions on a Sunday and a nice shout out to the Women of War from

Come back and visit anytime. We will be posting daily during our coffee breaks at the BizJournal. For more headline news, visit Check out the site and vote on the BizIssue.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Media Fargo: Headline Thoughts & Views

Here is a look at some of the same headlines from different news outlets. I like to look at the headlines from what their political affiliation is perceived as. For example, Fox News is a Republican mouth piece, CNN is more liberal. MSNBC is always a Republican wanting to be a liberal, or at least has the appearance of a liberal. NPR is the third party always making sense, but no one is listening. The BBC is kinda a foreign dignitary speaking to us - a different view point.
TV writers vote to strike
Nuclear plant worker stopped with 'pipe bomb'
Two Dems revive AG nominee's chances

BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
Flooding traps 300,000 in Mexico
US says PKK 'common enemy'
Mass protest in Georgian capital
Mexico Floods Hit 900,000 Homes; Disease Feared
Schumer, Feinstein to Vote in Favor of Mukasey
Arizona Nuclear Power Plant on Lockdown After Security Alert

NPR Topics: News
US Product-Safety Chief Faces Calls for Resignation
Americans Run for a Spot in the Olympic Marathon
Marshals Offer Break for Fugitives Who Quit Running

Dems split over supporting Mukasey
Clinton comes home to Wellesley
Police seize camera in sex-tape case

Our friends at CNN seem to have their Hollywood Biz headline, however, writer's striking will effect alot of people's lives. Most Americans watch TV something like 6 hours a day. But if it wasn't for their interpretation of the Arizona Nuclear Plant Pipe Bomber, Fox News headline scanners would have thought something different on the same story. Love those fear-generating Republicans.

CNN was also able to insert their blue donkey colors and give a positive plug to some Dems having their chance for a nomination - because sometimes a potential revival of a chance at a new position or milestone is very important news. I am sure there isn't too much else happening in the news. But let's see.

Floods have really ransacked Mexico, really ransacked. You are off the hook CNN, Mexico is another country, and those revival nominations are in the US. Or maybe you are just waiting to get the final numbers on the day. The BBC is reporting 300,000 trapped in Mexico and Fox News is reporting 900,000 homes hit in the flood. Fox also was able to insert in a little dash of republican fear at the end too - disease feared.

The Nuclear Pipe Bomb story did have a different view at Fox than at CNN, which is interesting. CNN's headline kinda gives enough information to have a good grasp on the situation, whereas Mr. Burns the headline copy writer says the words Nuclear, Lockdown, security and Alert in the same headline. I am standing up at my desk and clapping for you Mr. Burns at Fox news.'s three headlines reinforce my little stereotype about the news station's agenda. See how they plug a couple of Dems in the headlines. At least MSNBC doesn't assume your know who all the Democrats are by name, they just say Dems. Fox News assumes you know who the politicians are who voted in favor of Mukasey. Heck the Dems are split, so one must assume they are referring to republicans. MSNBC also nicely plug Clinton too. Wasn't there a Nuclear Security Lockdown somewhere in Arizona that might be a little more newsworthy than where Hillary Clinton is going? But the Sex Tape headline and the use of the word "seize" - now that's a good republican at heart.

What can be said about NPR? Product safety recall? That's like four articles in one. I can't think about safety, whether my politician is a crook, which products are they talking about and why this US Product Safety Chief is getting rode out of town on a rail all in the same reading I just want to know where this Safety Guy is going or if he is reviving a chance at a nomination. I also enjoy how they didn't print his name. Very classy move by NPR. See how smart they are - they make you read the article before you can gossip about this Product Safety guy.

Come back and visit anytime. We will be posting daily during our coffee breaks at the BizJournal. For more headline news, visit Check out the site and vote on the BizIssue.